Visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating. First-time visitors often wonder: When should I be there? What should I wear? Where should I go? This page will try to answer questions you may have regarding your visit here. As you plan your visit to Main Street, know that you will be loved and treated with respect.
When should I be there?
The Worship Service starts at 10:30. Sunday school classes start at 9:30.
What should I wear?
You should feel comfortable wearing anything. If you like to wear a coat and tie, that’s fine. If you like to dress casually, that’s fine too. In fact, most people at Main Street dress casually on Sunday morning. Jesus accepted people as they were, we aim to do the same.
Where should I park?
When you arrive at our facility, our parking lot is located behind the facility (when facing the facility from Main Street). From the parking lot, you’ll want to follow the signs that direct you toward the sanctuary. If you should need help, there should be a smiling face willing to help just inside the entrance to the sanctuary. If you can’t find a parking spot on Sunday morning in the church parking lot, there are plenty of parking spaces available on Main Street on Sunday mornings, and entrance to our worship facility is also available from Main Street.
Worship Service and Preaching
Our worship service incorporates a blend of traditional and modern hymns. We sing songs that invite the congregation to sing and songs that are rich in theology and gospel/God-centered. Sermons are grounded in the Bible with the intent of exposing the original meaning of every text based in its context and applied to our lives (expository preaching). We slowly and methodically preach and teach through books of the Bible, verse by verse.
Our nursery is located in room 206 in the education build, just a few steps from the rear foyer of the sanctuary. Children aged 5 through 5th grade attend the worship service with parents. Nursery and Sunday School (currently working through the Answers in Genesis curriculum) is available for all ages (9:30am – 10:15am). All workers with children have undergone background checks.